Some people have no idea where they are, nor where they are going. Fortunately, I know the answer to both of these. I'm approaching the edge of the simple life, about to take the make it or break it leap to the next stage of my life. With only months left, I can feel the heat. I can feel the mob of nay-Sayers approach ever so swiftly, telling me how I can not succeed, how the future I desire is not possible, silly even. Nevertheless, I keep heading for my goal. I can't slow down, I can't hold back, even though I wish I could. There is no time to construct a fall back plan, no time to think about what will happen if I don't make it, because not succeeding is not an option. If I don't make the leap for my future, I will be trampled by the nay-Sayers. If I stop and think about some other way to cross this chasm, I will be trampled. So that leaves me here, rushing away from the mob, in a crazed day dream to prove them wrong, while fighting the urge to panic. I envy those with bridges accross their canyons, or safety nets to keep them from falling all the way to the bottom, as I do not have the connections or the heritage to constitute such an effortless transition to adulthood. Where am I? I am at the edge, ready to leap.
That concludes my metaphor of where my mind is, now lets look at the physical aspect of my life, and where I am in that sense. I live in the little town of aurora, my father's house is about a block from the Child Care Center, and my mother lives about three blocks from the school. I am supposed to switch homes every two weeks, but it just depends on how lazy I am and if I feel like packing up and moving all of my junk. My parents have been divorced for quite some time now, I can barely remember the times when they were together. It doesn't bother me though, together or apart, they're the same people. I'd also like to add that I am definitely not like some people who use this as an excuse to do stupid things, like this new YOLO crap. "Oh no, I come from a broken home, there's no way I can do anything with my life."
Aurora is a unique community, everyone knows everything about everyone. Which at some times is quite unnerving. It's also sad to see the many run down areas of the town, cars parked on the front lawn, trashy trailer houses, houses with the siding peeling off. Someday, I hope this town will begin to recover. I hope our slums shrink and our people grow content. I hope everyone will have the resources to be happy.
I attend Aurora High School, which is in my opinion (even after looking at the awful lunch, plethora of immature students, and the few iffy instructors), is the number one school in the state, if not the nation. Contrary to my overall view of the school, I simply can not wait until I graduate and can be on my way to college.
I attend Aurora High School, which is in my opinion (even after looking at the awful lunch, plethora of immature students, and the few iffy instructors), is the number one school in the state, if not the nation. Contrary to my overall view of the school, I simply can not wait until I graduate and can be on my way to college.
Speaking of the state, all of this is part of Nebraska incase you didn't know. A place relatively unknown in the minds other Americans. However boring and unknown this state really is can be balanced by the fact that nothing big really happens here to upset our daily lives, no big political occurrences ever upset the daily routines of the people, and no terrorists ever feel like nuking our cornfields, which is nice for those who like to mind their own business and just want continue on with their lives. Unfortunately, I hate corn, I can't stand rednecks, and farms are dirty. How I can I be so content in this little hick state nestled in the center of America? I ask myself the same thing every day.
Where am I right now? Right now I am in the car on the six hour journey to Chadron to tour their campus, chat with the pre-med students, and have lunch with the RHOP rep, while finishing up this blog post on my Droid. The cause for my future thumb arthritis will not be a mystery. Also, because I'm using the blogger app on my phone, I haven't figured out how to add pictures, so they will be in separate posts.
Where am I right now? Right now I am in the car on the six hour journey to Chadron to tour their campus, chat with the pre-med students, and have lunch with the RHOP rep, while finishing up this blog post on my Droid. The cause for my future thumb arthritis will not be a mystery. Also, because I'm using the blogger app on my phone, I haven't figured out how to add pictures, so they will be in separate posts.
ReplyDeleteI love your resourcefulness. Typing a 754 word posting on your phone takes talent! I hope you had a good trip to Chadron and you are closer to making and realizing your decision for your post-secondary education. Chadron is beautiful. I love the drier climate and pine trees. Great job here!